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Image by Washington Oliveira 🇧🇷

Mentoring Structures
and Practices . . . and Capstones

This page includes work I have led and collaborated on related to mentoring structures and practices, primarily in the context of undergraduate research. This started as a participant in a CEL Research Seminar for Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. These structures and practices, while supporting student experience, are opportunities for faculty and staff professional development. By flattening power structures and intentionally bringing vulnerability and growth to the forefront, colleagues are able to model and benefit from transparent learning across ages, stages, and career trajectories. 


Co-mentoring is defined as the intentional relationship where it is assumed that both mentors have something to contribute and to gain from being in this relationship. There is a flattening of the power structure such that all points of views are valued with little fear of evaluation and judgment from the other colleague.


Caroline J. Ketcham, Hall Eric E., Miller Paul C. (2017) Co-mentoring undergraduate research: Student, faculty and institutional perspectives. PURM: Perspectives of Undergraduate Research Mentoring, 6.1, 1-13. PDF LINK


Brittany A. Nicholson, Pollock Meagan, Ketcham Caroline J., Fitz Gibbon Heather M., Bradley Evan D., Bata Michele (2017) Beyond the mentor-mentee model: A case for multi-mentoring in undergraduate research. PURM: Perspectives of Undergraduate Research Mentoring. 6.1, 1-14. PDF LINK  


Evan D. Bradley, Bata Michele, Fitz Gibbon Heather M, Ketcham Caroline J, Nicholson Brittney A, Pollock Meagan. (2017) Structure of mentoring in undergraduate research: multi-mentor models. SPUR: Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 1(2), 35-42. doi: 10.18833/spur/1/2/12


Helen Walkington H., Hall Eric E., Ketcham Caroline J. (in press). Mentoring – the teachers role. In Cambridge Handbook on Undergraduate Research.


Caroline J. Ketcham, Hall Eric E., Fitz-Gibbons Heather, Walkington Helen. (2018) Co-mentoring in undergraduate research: A faculty development perspective. In M. Vandermaas-Peeler, P.C. Miller and J. Moore (Eds) Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Council on Undergraduate Research: Washington D.C.

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Mentoring Constellations

Mentoring constellations have a similar premise to co-mentoring but are expanded to members with collaborative links. This creates a community of scholars and the opportunity to be exposed to lots of topics and learn from lots of mentoring styles. 


Amy Allocco,  Vandermaas-Peeler Maureen, Hall Eric E., Ketcham Caroline J., Idris Mussa, Hamel Jen A., Marshal D (Sandy) J. (2022). Undergraduate research in the global context: Models and practices for high quality mentoring. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 30(1), 106-123, DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2022.2031084


Eric E. Hall, Bailey Elizabeth, Higgins Simon, Ketcham Caroline J., Nepocatych Svetlana, Wittstein MatthewW. (2021). Application of the salient practices framework for undergraduate research mentoring in virtual environments. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 22 (1), 22.1.92. doi: 10.1128/jmbe.v22i1.2287


Eric E. Hall, Bailey Elizabeth, Higgins Simon, Madzima Takudzwa, Nepocatych Svetlana, Wittstein Matthew W., Ketcham CarolineJ. (July 2020). Lessons Learned from Mentoring Undergraduate Research this Summer: Salient Practices of Undergraduate Research Mentoring.


Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Ketcham Caroline J. (Sept. 2015) Mentoring relationships in undergraduate research.

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Mentoring with Mental Health in Mind

As a mentor and a co-mentor I use the Salient Practices of Mentoring Undergraduate Research. In much of my mentoring mental health and mentally healthy habits are at the forefront. This work was in collaboration with my codirector of BrainCARE, colleague and co-mentor. 


Hall, Eric E., Caroline J. Ketcham, and Helen Walkington (in press). Centering Mental Health and Wellbeing in Practices of Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Perspectives in Undergraduate Research Mentoring, 11.1, 1-10.


Hall, Eric E., and Caroline J. Ketcham. (2021, November 2). “Mentoring with Mental Health in Mind.” [Blog Post]. Retrieved from

Mentoring Across Differences

As a women in science, many of my mentors have been men. That has had an impact on me and my mentoring. I have been struck by the fanfare on men mentoring women into leadership and write about it in this first blog. But it has also made me think about additional and intersectional identities that impact who we are and how we experience the world. How do we embrace these differences AND mentor across them? What does it mean for the mentor and mentee?


Ketcham, Caroline J. (2021, December 7). Mentoring Across Differences: A Common-Sense Guide to Working and Mentoring Across Genders in Higher Education [Blog Post]. Retrieved from


Capstone Experiences

I served as a co-leader for a CEL Research Seminar on Capstone Experiences for 2018-2020 (extended to 2021). As part of the work we led 20 international scholars on multi-year, multi-institutional research to better understand capstone.  Below are several publications and a book forth-coming on the topic.


Caroline J. Ketcham, Weaver Anthony G., Moore Jessie L. (Eds) (in progress). Cultivating capstones: Designing high-quality culminating experiences for student learning. Stylus Publishing: Engaged Learning and Teaching Series


Caroline J. Ketcham, Weaver Anthony G., Moore Jessie L., Felten Peter (in press). Living up to the capstone promise: Improving quality, equity, and outcomes in culminating experiences (Chp. 10). In J. Zilvinskis, J. Kinzie, J. Daday, K. O’Donnell, C. Vande Zande (Eds) Delivering on the Promise of High-Impact Practices: Research and Models for Achieving Equity, Fidelity, Impact and Scale. Stylus Publishing


Capstone Keynote with link to video


Caroline J. Ketcham (2021, October 6). Inclusive Capstone Experiences, Pathways, and Pipelines [Blog Post]. Retrieved from


Caroline J. Ketcham, Weaver Anthony G., Kinzie Jillian, Moore Jessie L. (Oct. 2020). Elon Statement on Capstone Experiences.


Tony Weaver, Ketcham Caroline J.. (Aug 2019) Communicating the goals of capstone.


Caroline J. Ketcham (Oct. 2017) Inspiring student ownership of capstone


Tony Weaver, Ketcham Caroline J. (Aug. 2017) ‘Capstone’ experience in higher education.

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