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Wellness and Wellbeing

I have been involved in leading wellness and wellbeing initiatives on our campus since 2017 as co-chair of a working group on student wellness and wellbeing. This included a comprehensive report and set of recommendations that I continue to be instrumental in implementing. This work is about putting mental wellbeing at the pinnacle of holistic wellness models and providing messaging to support health habits. 


HealthEU: Wellness Initiative

This is a website designed by our communications department to lead our wellness and wellbeing recommendations and implementation of Act-Belong-Commit, a campaign to promote a mentally healthy campus. 


ACT - Do something

BELONG - Do something with someone

COMMIT - Do something meaningful

We have partnered with multiple stakeholders across campus to integrate this positive mental health campaign for our campus. 

Image by Emily Underworld

Mental Health Summit

We have hosted 3 mental health summits. They each look different, but invite the community to engage in conversations about habits of mentally healthy people. 

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